By choosing reusable packaging, we can save up to 80% of carbon emissions compared to single-use waste.
So we’ve teamed up with RePack, a reusable and returnable packaging alternative made from recycled materials. It’s a small step that makes a big difference, and part of our ongoing journey to become a more sustainable business.
Choose to receive your order in RePack
Choose to receive your order in RePack
Simply fold the return flap outside and close the packaging. Drop your empty packaging into the nearest postbox to keep the RePack cycle going.
Your return to RePack is pre-paid.
By opting for reusable packaging like RePack, you can help save up to 80% of carbon emissions compared to single-use packaging. Choosing RePack every time you shop keeps the cycle going.

not happy with your order?
If you need to return your order please follow our usual returns process and send your item(s) in the RePack back to Nanushka.
Frequently asked questions
How do I return the empty RePack?
Simply turn the attached address label to read "Reply paid", close the packaging using the provided velcro and drop it into the nearest post box anywhere in the world.
Folding instructions:
How do I return my purchase?
You can return your Nanushka item(s) in the RePack packaging and send it back to Nanushka so we can use it again. Please follow the below steps:
Complete the Nanushka returns process and place your item(s) in the RePack packaging.
- Secure the packaging with the velcro and self-adhesive document pouch enclosed.
- Put the Nanushka return label inside the document pouch and seal it. Please ensure the RePack return label is not visible when returning your item(s) as this will cause a delay in your return.
Packaging instructions:
Why does Nanushka offer RePack?
We’re committed to becoming a more sustainable business - that’s why we’ve teamed up with RePack as one part of our ongoing journey. Every time a RePack bag is returned and reused, we’re contributing to the circular economy model, reducing our carbon footprint and eliminating waste.
Is RePack really more sustainable than single-use plastic packaging or cardboard boxes?
Yes, after reusing a Repack bag 20 times we can reduce packaging-related CO2 emissions by up to 80%. What’s more, if you avoid making an extra trip to return your RePack bag and deposit it at a post office or in a postbox as you make your way home or to work, we can also reduce CO2 emissions associated with transport.
How long do I have before I need to return the RePack bag?
You can take as long as you like to return the RePack bag - though the quicker we receive it the quicker we can reuse it. The more times we use it, the more sustainable it becomes..
Do I have to pay to return the empty RePack?
No, the postage fee is pre-paid. Simply drop the empty bag at your nearest post office or postbox.
Are RePack bags clean and safe to use?
Yes, all the bags are thoroughly checked and cleaned upon arrival at the RePack return center.